December 10, 2020

Privacy In Action: Dr. Christine Izuakor, Cyber Culture Hacker, PhD, CISSP

Dr. Christine Izuakor, Cyber Culture Hacker, PhD, CISSP

Dr. Christine Izuakor is the CEO of Cyber Pop-up, an on-demand cybersecurity platform powered by vetted cyber freelancers. She has over a decade of experience leading cybersecurity functions within Fortune 100 companies and has her PhD in Security Engineering. You can learn more about her at IG @stineology, Twitter @Stineology, LinkedIn and Cyberpopup.

Interview with Dr. Christine Izuakor

Startpage: Fill in the blank “Privacy is ________.”

Dr. Christine Izuakor: Privacy is under attack and it’s everyone’s job to protect it.

Startpage: Why are data privacy and private search important to you?

Dr. Christine Izuakor: You can learn a lot about a person or company from their search history. From health concerns and buying patterns, to company employees searching for new jobs etc. I think search engines get insight into things that no one else might know.

To me a search engine is like a public diary. And how many people in this world consciously want a public diary?

Startpage: How do you envision data privacy and cyber security in the future?

Dr. Christine Izuakor:  I believe that data and privacy will become even more regulated than it’s already becoming with greater consequences, especially to data-centric organizations. Accountability will become a key word for organizations when it comes to consumer data privacy. I think consumers might also start to care more and they gain awareness of just how much of their data is out there.

Startpage: When folks meet you, what’s the number one thing you want them to remember about you?

That it’s okay to have three degrees and an iPhone full of trap music. Meaning it’s okay to be authentically you, no matter what path you choose in life. Whether you are a CEO, lawyer, janitor, or the queen those things don’t define you and shouldn’t force you to become something you aren’t. I feel like we do our best in this world when we are authentic. And so I want people to remember that I am authentically me and I make no apologies about it – and I want them to do the same.

Startpage: What drew you to cybersecurity and getting a PhD in Security Engineering?

Dr. Christine Izuakor: I was drawn into cybersecurity because it was fun. Most of the assignments I did in school felt like games and puzzles I was trying to figure out and I loved that. Even as I solve cybersecurity challenges in my role today, I still get that same feelings. It’s always a high stakes game. Initially I pursued the PhD because I wanted to create and share new original knowledge which would inherently make a difference in the industry and in the world. I also knew that eventually I wanted to be a professor which happened a lot sooner than I expected!

Startpage: What advice would you give students and young professionals looking to make a career in cybersecurity?

Dr. Christine Izuakor: Experience is king! Yes, it’s great to get your foundation though learning online, getting certifications, completing degree programs and more but always remember that most companies still look for experience. So as early as you can, look for internships, volunteer to do projects in startups, shadow a professional for a day, build your own lab at home and practice, volunteer at a cyber non-profit etc. Find ways to get that hands-on experience.

Startpage: What are the top things you look into when vetting a cybersecurity freelancer?

Dr. Christine Izuakor:  Haha, what a great set up from the last question. Experience plays a key factor, but I would say the top three in order are: Culture fit and personality, credentials and experience, passion for growth and continuous learning.

Startpage: Last, but not lease, would you rather: Share your search history or sign off every conversation with xoxo?

Dr. Christine Izuakor: Haha, hugs and kisses for life!

Startpage: Thanks for your time Christine, we are so happy that there are authentic people like yourself in the privacy world! We look forward to all of your success!

Privacy in Action is a series of interviews with privacy-minded Startpage users from diverse backgrounds. If you are interested in participating in the Privacy in Action or would like to nominate someone to be interviewed by us, reach out to us at [email protected].

The views expressed in this Q&A are those of the interviewee and do not necessarily reflect those of Startpage.

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