June 4, 2021

Privacy in Action: Seth Estrada, Media Producer and Crypto Consultant

Seth Estrada is a crypto consultant and media producer at mineyour.biz.

Seth Estrada has worked for some of the largest technology companies in the world, performing valuable tech training and business intelligence roles. He is the main operator of mineyour.biz, a multichannel media production and consulting company, specializing in blockchain infrastructure (aka crypto mining) and education (aka influencer content).

His main focus right now is helping ordinary people escape the unwarranted geo-tracking & data aggregation of Big Mobile Tech by giving them a better mobile phone option: the freedom phone. Check out his Youtube channel or follower him on Twitter.

Interview with Seth Estrada:

Startpage: What does privacy mean to you?

Seth Estrada: Privacy to me is a fundamental human right.

I believe it’s deeply ingrained in our species. Even young children, unless interfered with, seem to understand that they should close the door when they use the restroom, and close the shades when they change their clothes.

Startpage: We know confidentiality is one of the components of the CIA Triad of cybersecurity. Is there a difference between confidentiality and privacy?

Seth Estrada: There is absolutely a difference between confidentiality and privacy in my mind. And I think there’s definitely some legal precedent to inform that opinion. I expect privacy in my home. I expect that my words and actions will not be recorded or logged. And I expect that privacy to extend to my car, and the office I pay for (when I use an office away from home). I also expect privacy behind closed doors such as a changing area, restroom, or phone booth (how do they still exist?!) .

When I’m in the presence of others, who I believe are trustworthy, confidentiality comes in. For example, if I’m sick and hospitalized, I may need to use the restroom or fully disrobe in plain view of a nurse who is placed there for my benefit. Regardless of hospital policy, or HIPAA (in the US), if that nurse posts on social media about the experience in too much detail, a 3rd party might be able to guess that it’s me they are referring to. That nurse’s breach of confidentiality has now eroded my privacy.

I think the same can be true of data and metadata. Too many “trusted guardians” of personal data record and log too much, then offer it wholesale to 3rd parties without so much as a legal warrant. Big Tech has abandoned confidentiality, so when we opt into their services, we (the users) have no privacy. But it’s a vicious cycle much worse than a temporary loss of privacy in one isolated incident.

Without privacy, future abuses of attention and personal sovereignty can take place more easily, because other parties can honestly say that they are not violating confidentiality.

Startpage: Where do the cryptocurrency and privacy spheres converge?

Seth Estrada: In cryptocurrency, the potential for abuse of privacy manifests in claims of capital gains or fraud (among other allegations) against users who may not have yet realized such events. Then the wolves come in. If every transaction is always publicly known and assigned to a person, that person’s life can become a living nightmare: Government institutions may be tempted to act earlier than they should, according to due process; Bad actors/thieves may be tempted to squeeze a crypto holder they believe has a high net worth. And good, moral, ethical users can unknowingly inherit coins that have been tainted by bad actors or used in crime.

Startpage: What should people know about blockchain and privacy?

Just that the openness of public ledger systems and smart contract immutability are not always virtues. They can be the rope used by a mob to hang you. (pardon the gruesome visual). So be mindful of how you set up and broadcast identity on public ledger systems.

Startpage: What are some misconceptions about digital privacy that laypeople often have?

Seth Estrada: The casual user/layperson often thinks (and even says) “I have nothing to hide”. Really? Nothing…? Go ahead and send me your full browser history. Then a photo of your wife in her favorite romantic wear. Finally, the login credentials to your bank account. The reality is *everyone* who has pondered long enough will eventually think of things they can and probably should hide.

Startpage: What do you think of private search engines?

Seth Estrada: Any alternative to Google is a step in the right direction for most users. The centralization of that company’s power could potentially be a huge threat to privacy for generations- even just based on their current logged data.

Private, or amnesiac search engines are an even better alternative.

Startpage: What are features you’d like private search engines to have?

Seth Estrada: I like search engines that do not punish me for accessing them via TOR browser. I would love to see more private search engines return results for known TOR hidden services, giving users the option to click the .onion address for a website (if one exists) instead of the usual dot Com.

Startpage: What are some things ordinary people can do to better protect their privacy?

Seth Estrada: Stop blindly trusting Apple! It is clear that for many years Apple has publicly positioned itself as a champion for privacy, only to be proven wrong by independent testing.

 Stop using Google Chrome, period! Any number of alternative browsers are better at encouraging user privacy habits.

 Use alternatives to Gmail, GDrive, & Gsuite if possible. Adopt a privacy-first mindset, regardless of the devices you use. In the same way that you shouldn’t feel pressured by the question “Why would you need more than one car/home?”, you should not feel pressured by the question “Why would you want more privacy?” Because the answer is the same: “Mind Your Own Business!” 

Privacy in Action is a series of interviews with privacy-minded Startpage users from diverse backgrounds. If you are interested in participating in the Privacy in Action or would like to nominate someone to be interviewed by us, reach out to us at [email protected].

The views expressed in this Q&A are those of the interviewee and do not necessarily reflect those of Startpage.


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