December 16, 2019

A penny for your thoughts?

At Startpage, we think that suggestions for improvement that don’t come from our users aren’t worth a dime. Don’t get us wrong: we’re constantly striving to improve all of our products, but we also value your feedback. So let us share some feedback from someone who’s opinion, like yours, we value.

Recently, FastCompany’s Jared Newman described Startpage as “Google without the Googliness,” when discussing our “several major improvements” of late. Insightfully, he also shared areas for improvement in order to make Startpage features even more advanced and user-friendly. Specifically, Jared noted that he’d like to see a more robust search results page, which we are currently working on by producing more Instant Answers.

Inspired by both his praise and feedback, the Startpage team would like to open the door to all of our worldwide users by asking you how we can make your private search experience better.

But we’re not sitting on our hands while we collect your feedback. We know there is an escalating need for more online privacy options, and with the recent infusion of capital we received from investors, Startpage is excited to announce we’ll be launching many new features in 2020.

With the above in mind, we ask you, our valued user, for product feedback and requests. While we can’t promise everything will make it in 2020, we can wholeheartedly promise that your input is important to us and all suggestions will be considered.

If you’d like to share your ideas and opinions, please email us at [email protected] and put “2020 New Features” in the subject line. We look forward to hearing from you!

If you’d like to see the full article we referenced above by technology journalist Jared Newman, please click here

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