October 15, 2020

Privacy in Action: Frederic Carteron, Superior Court Judge

Frederic Carteron, Superior Court Judge

Frederic Carteron is a former Superior Court Judge in France and law professor at the University of Cergy Pontoise as well as an avid Startpage and StartMail user. Currently, he lives in the United States and advises lawmakers on legislative and public policy reforms.

Frederic says:

“While serving as a French superior court judge and a law professor and an ordinary citizen in the United States, I have been using Startmail and Startpage for both my private and professional correspondence for more than two years to my complete satisfaction.
Even though I am not sharing state secrets with fellow lawyers, CEOs, business partners, friends, and family members, I have always considered that privacy is a human right, not a mere commodity. Why should I accept to become a “private-data-milking cow” and then be buried under unsolicited emails, offers, and proposals for which I have no interest?”

Interview with Frederic Carteron

Startpage: Fill in the blank: Privacy is _____.

Frederic: Privacy is a human right. It is neither a commodity nor an option.

Startpage: How private are you on a scale of 1 to 10? How private do you think the general public is?

Frederic: I am at…12. As a former judge, but also as a legislative advisor and a law professor, I’ve been fully aware of how important privacy is for a democracy to be fully functional. Furthermore, even though I am not sharing state secrets or any information upon which depends on the fate of the Universe, my private and professional correspondence is not meant to be public. When I want to share my views with the world, I use blogs, I publish articles and I organize or participate in seminars and public debates.

I believe that the general public would be at 12, as soon as people are told the truth without the usual bells, whistles, and smokescreens of “free stuff”. Let us take a minute and put ourselves in the shoes of any Chinese, North Korean, or Iranian citizen to fully comprehend how privacy is essential for a democracy to work properly.

Startpage: Why are data privacy and private search important to you? In your line of work? In your personal life?

Frederic: Data privacy and private search are some of the pillars of democracy as they give meaning to the freedom to access information without being censored or flagged by some governments or lobbies of any kind. Furthermore, regarding my various professional and political activities, I do not want to always share with everybody the information I will be using during negotiations, arbitration, or when preparing the next event or convention. A chess player does not disclose their strategy beforehand.

Startpage: What measures do you take to protect your personal data online and offline?

Frederic: To protect my personal data, I have decided not to use any “cloud” system unless it is fully encrypted and unless I am sure that my documents will not be scanned by the “cloud” provider for any purpose. Should Startpage offer a “start-cloud”, I may change my mind.

I also used VPN. I confess that it has been difficult to find a European VPN service that offers data protection as strong as that of StartMail and Startpage. The VPN should be based in Europe, not in the USA, so that no “backdoor key” would be installed by some agencies and no secret agreement would jeopardize users’ privacy. Privacy should only be lifted by a court’s order. 

I have nevertheless used “cloud” services for “inconsequential” documents or to start minor projects.

Startpage: How do you envision data privacy in the future? 1 year, 10 years, lifetime?

Frederic: I believe that data privacy will gain strength in the future as people realize that “free stuff” means encroachments on their privacy. Under the pressure and the concerns of the European population, the European Union parliament has enacted one of the stronger regulations on Earth to protect people/citizens/consumers’ data. More is to be done as this first regulation covers the use of private data, not so much its collection. This trend for better private data collection will not be stopped as citizens in every nation are demanding more protection and as more and more work will be done remotely. Once more, California is spearheading the movement in the United States and the US House of Representatives is embracing this initiative. 

I live in Europe and the United States, and I am stunned when witnessing tactics used by US retailers in their obsession to “capture” their customers’ email addresses. Indeed, it is no longer about the “collection” of customers’ email addresses, it is now about its “capture” as if customers have become Prisoner Of Commercial War (POCW).

Some of the tactics used in US retail are borderline unethical as they lead customers into thinking that they have no other option but to “surrender” to the cashier’s requests and have their receipts sent to a private email address. Like Well Fargo’s tellers, cashiers have to meet a quota in their “daily email capture”. Like Wells Fargo’s, such quota leads to borderline tactics. Therefore, Lawmakers, in any country, should make it mandatory for retailers to offer their customers – without any deceiving tactics – the option to obtain a paper receipt or – second part of the option – have it sent to an email address. 

I really love the fact that StartMail offers me the option to use “disposable” email addresses every time I make an online purchase. As such, I am not compromising my main email address.

Startpage: For anyone new to practicing law, what would you recommend as the first steps to protecting their personal data?

Frederic: For lawyers, judges, arbitrators, mediators, professors, and, more generally for any professionals and citizens who want to keep full control of their email boxes, their private and professional information, I strongly recommend investing a few dollars/euros in a secure and private email provider, such as StartMail. Furthermore, I would suggest finding a “private” calendar application so that their meetings, schedules, and appointments will not be scanned and shared.

Startpage: What are your favorite privacy tools?

My favorite privacy tools are :

  • Email: StartMail
  • VPN: Hotspot Shield
  • Messaging: Whatsapp and Signal
  • Browser: Firefox
  • Search Engine: Startpage

Also, I used encrypted USB keys.

Startpage: Would you rather share your search history or eat only canned food for an entire year?

Frederic: When it comes to this question, instead of sharing my search history involuntarily, I would rather drink champagne and cocktails, and eat lobsters for a year on a beach on a pacific island.

It is a perk offered to its customers?!

Privacy in Action is a series of interviews with privacy-minded Startpage users from diverse backgrounds. If you are interested in participating in the Privacy in Action or would like to nominate someone to be interviewed by us, reach out to us at [email protected].

The views expressed in this Q&A are those of the interviewee and do not necessarily reflect those of Startpage.

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